Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mama Prep Time

I am giving thank to the Lord above for the freedom to homeschool my children!  I am so excited about this year and I really think it is going to be an amazing year for everyone!!!!  I have started the PREP time which means the house fall apart because I am so obsessed with working on school! LOL  After I get it all ready I will do end of summer massive clean and organize.  I really want this year to be wonderful!

working on making file boxes to store units for MY FATHER'S WORLD K!

Folders for each unit of MFWK

Thought I would share this picture from Easter!  The boys have grown so much since the pics up on this blog :)

We have been doing alot of praying and decision making!  My hubby (THE PRINCIPAL) of our school has had to step in and help me make some wise choices so as not to over commit.  It is funny to me that so many people talk about how the kids will be cooped up at home and have no socialization and all but for me the issue is finding time to actually do the main school around all the opportunities for them outside our home.  We really did want to do Classical Conversations and that desire will probably always be here but for now financially it is impossible.  There are 2 Co-Op's that I am close to families and have had such a hard time deciding if I could handle doing both!  Hubby says NO!  At least not now.  He says see how it goes with one Co-op, play dates, field trips, homeschool outings, in home school therapy for J, and our own K curriculum before adding a second Co-Op! I am very excited about attending MAD Co-Op as part of our Caffe Homeschool Group!  The Ladies there have really been wonderful in our lives before we have ever even been in MAD.  They are very accomodating for boys special needs and Jeremiah's wheelchair and everything :)  I thank God for hubby stepping in and making the decision about the 2nd Co-op though I really am sad to not be a part of it.  

I am trying to find more and more ways to help the boys learn or should I say to help me guide them in learning and help me to teach them!  I am excited about My Father's World and I do believe this curriculum will be great for them.  I am also trying to find some Montessori resources second hand such as the movable alphabet and other hands on things to help in teaching.  I am trying to decide how I will incorporate Jeremiah into our school days and expose him to as much as I can.  I am also praying that the time will come that I can get at least Jeremiah back into private therapy.  I have to look at him and see things differently about what School for him will mean!

I saw the picture below and had a fit!  The very first Homeschool Tshirt I ever had for me and Celeste had this exact picture on it!!!  It is so very true!!! 

 My First student Celeste graduated with her 2nd College Degree (this one a Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry!) in May right before her 25th Birthday!!!!  Proud MAMA here!!!

I can't wait to see what God does through her!! 

I appreciate any prayer you may have for us as we prepare for the 2013-2014 school year here at Destiny Christian Academy! :)

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